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Solder Alloys Databases

TCSLD4 is our thermodynamic and properties database designed for use with solder alloys. MOBSLD1 is the corresponding mobility database needed for use with the add-on kinetic modules.

Technical Information Sheet for TCSLD4

Technical Information Sheet for MOBSLD1

Examples Collection for TCSLD4

TCSLD4 Quick Overview

    • Gibbs Energy
      • Volume
        • Surface tension of liquid
          • Viscosity of liquid
          • ELEMENTS: Ag, Al, Au, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Ga, Ge, In, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Pd, Pt, Sb, Si, Sn, Zn
          • ASSESSED PHASES: 272

TCSLD4 for Thermodynamic and Properties Data

TCSLD4 is a thermodynamic and properties database for applications to solder alloys. The database enables pre-screening of potential solder candidate compositions and predictions of various thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria. The database also provides information on possible interfacial reactions.

The results from these predictions can be applied to eliminate candidate solder alloys for which the calculations reveal unsuitable freezing temperature ranges and undesired phases from further testing. Thus, the database can accelerate design of new solder alloys as well as improve understanding of existing solder alloys in terms of their processing and in-service behavior.

The TCSLD4 database contains all the important solder alloy systems, such as Sn-/Au-/Bi-/Zn-based solders and Cu, Ni, Pd, and so on, relevant substrate or metallization materials.

TCSLD4 was developed to be used with nearly our entire suite of products: Thermo-Calc, the Add-on Modules, except for the Additive Manufacturing Module, and all available SDKs.

MOBSLD1 for Kinetic Data

MOBSLD1 is a corresponding mobility database that provides kinetic data for those working with the add-on kinetic modules – the Diffusion Module (DICTRA) and the Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA) – as well as a few specific calculation types, such as Scheil with back diffusion. If you do not purchase a license for an add-on kinetic module, you most likely do not need a mobility database. One of our technical sales representatives would be happy to help you determine whether your work requires a mobility database.

MOBSLD1 is compatible and recommended to be used in combination with TCSLD4.

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